Tips for removing stains on the marble floors Tougher

เขียนโดย purat | 21:16

After polishing, Nice plans is a must for the health and style-conscious home. Really takes care of your marble flooring to prevent further damage to extend its life and makes it fresh and new for a year.

A closer look at the bottom of these shoes and slippers will be your home, shows how much the oil, dirt, grim and what kind of dirt that enters your home and keep your floors. No wonder why your floors stubbornly refusestraight ahead. If most of your house slippers or socks in the presentation, it is possible that the oil may be granted from the bottom of the feet and numbness in the marble floor of the surface.

Simple tips for the care of Shine of your own marble floors

This is a good first step regularly vacuum or dust the marble floor surfaces prior to washing the floors. You need to know that you should use warm water on marble floors, as the mild acid in vinegar could be very damaging for 'Its surface. Squeeze excess moisture from a damp cloth and wipe, and after the cleaning, fast follow-up with a dry cloth. Should quickly dry marble floors to help immediately, as locally.

Harsher Clean Stains

Cleaning marble floors is quite difficult, so try these other methods of cleaning your own risk, but if you could do with tighter spots, these are worth trying.

- Tea and coffee stains

These types of stains can be removed effectivelyClean with a method, using 20 percent hydrogen peroxide you buy a little 'from the pharmacy, rather than a liquid extractor rust. Since these stains are organic, these cleaning methods to clean the stains of this work, since they were carved tiles, let's just say you can do business very sensitive.

- Rust

With the removal of rust stains, mix the dough of commercial liquid rust removal can be obtained at hardware stores and whiting powder from the paint. Use this option tocover the area with a layer of 1/2-inch thick. Keep sealed off the area to be covered with foil tape wet, and long after 10-15 minutes, the body of water, then rub the marble floor with a dry cloth. You can repeat the process if necessary.

In most cases all that is needed in properly cleaning the marble tiles in a warm, wet rag or a cloth, especially where the spill-prone children and adults in your home. Fortunately, since these tiles are gaining popularity for home use, sowere the various products and solutions formulated to clean them.

It is recommended that some manageable, it could happen only in case of accidental spillage, and one would be home for regular weekly or monthly cleaning. Be sure to read the label and follow the instructions on the handle. While vinegar can be seen as a strong and readily available household cleaners is not recommended for use when cleaning marble floors, since the acid in vinegar can damage the surface.

Soapsand even mild detergent that does not recommended if you are not, therefore, with a special marble cleaner, then it would be sure to use only lukewarm water and you get a soft towel to help dry the floor thoroughly.

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